Falling Star IV - Jimmy Pike

Falling Star IV - Jimmy Pike

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Falling Star IV - Jimmy Pike
Signed screen print, Edition of 90, panel 4 of 4 panels in the series

Jimmy Pike,(c.1940-2002) Australian Aboriginal Artist, born Kurnti Kujarra,grew up as a hunter gatherer,east of Japingka, in the Great Sandy Desert. He eventually joined relatives at the station camp and worked as a stockman. He was named Jimmy Pike, after Phar Lap's jockey, by a cattle station manager.

Pike learned to use western art materials while in Fremantle Prison. Even before he was released from prison his work was exhibited in major Australian galleries.

In 1989 Pike was featured in a documentary The Quest of Jimmy Pike.

Before his death in 2002, Pike had exhibitions in United Kingdom, Philippines,Namibia and Italy, and at the National Gallery of China, in Beijing.

Pike's description of Falling Star IV, "This is a falling star, a true story. When I was a little boy, I was walking, walking at nighttime. I was walking across to some people, and the star hit me. Then they picked me up, and my grandfather fixed me, fixed my head, after that star hit me".