Jeffrey Landau and Charmaine Jefferson
Jeffrey Landau of Landau Traveling Exhibitions in New Orleans with booth visitor Charmaine Jefferson, Director Emeritus of the California Afri...
Jeffrey and Carmen Landau of Landau Traveling Exhibitions
Jeffrey and Carmen Landau of Landau Traveling Exhibitions at their booth at the American Alliance of Museum Conference, New Orleans, sharing their...
MOMA's 2019 Appointment Calendar Features June Wayne

Inspiring Day at Seattle Art Fair with Jan Haag
Inspiring day with Jan Haag on occasion of Seattle Art Fair...
Tamarind Institute at Seattle Art Fair
Great fun stopping by booth of Tamarind Institute at Seattle Art Fair and meeting Diane Gaston who is brilliantly carrying on in Albuquerque the printmaking work of the legendary June Wayne...
Seattle Art Fair with Alitash Kebede and Dorian Bergen
Honored to be in the company of two art legends at the Seattle Art Fair, Alitash Kebede and Dorian Bergen...
Gallery Visit from African Tribal Art Dealer Fily Keita

MB Abram Galleries was delighted to have a visit from Fily Keita, our friend and esteemed African Tribal Art Dealer, who provided illuminating insights on a number of pieces in our African collection, including an old Moba figure and an Ibibio mask.
Contemporary Art Talks with Alitash Kebede

Great privilege & honor to spend the afternoon with Alitash Kebede. Born & educated in Ethiopia, Kebede established herself in Los Angeles as a pioneering dealer in contemporary art, particularly active in support of African American artists.
Barrie Rose and June Wayne (1918 - 2011)
Rose Barrie and June Wayne (1918 - 2011), A World Premiere, Wayne - CUT 3 from MB Abram Galleries on Vimeo.
On June 24, MB Abram Galleries hosted singer/songwriter/performance artist Barrie Rose and director Matt Friedman in studio for the recording of Rose's new song "Breakthrough", presented here as a collaboration between Rose and select mixed-media works of June Wayne (1918-2011).
June Wayne: Propeller, Paintings & Mixed Media, the Pop Up DTLA 4/19/18

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