San Francisco Tribal & Textile Art Show 2016

This was the Show's 30th anniversary, and brought together once again some of the most distinguished dealers, collectors, and enthusiasts from the US, Europe and Asia. Other than Paris' Parcours de Monde, this is the most prestigious and well attended show of its type. We were particularly delighted to participate as an exhibitor in this show, marking the final year for amazing impressario Liz Lees of Caskey-Lees, and the upcoming transition in 2017 to our mutual friend, the multi-talented Kim Martindale.
We were glad to be able to exhibit some newly acquired pieces to the gallery including:
Stone Goddess Figure, from Rapa Iti (Little Rapa), Austral Islands.
A large piece, reminiscent of the bold style of Big Rapa (Easter Island) which was collected by Joseph Louis Marcillac (1870-1943) in 1917 near the village of Area. (Price on Request).


Some of the inspiring visitors to our booth:











Professor Donald C. Johanson, Author, Founding Director, Institute of Human Origins, Arizona State University, discoverer of "Lucy", Hadar, Ethiopia, 1974.

We had a lively discussion as to early man tools, and of his experiences in Ethiopia. Check out the photo with Lucy on the cellphone of her discoverer!
Cathryn Cootner, former Curator of Textiles, DeYoung Museum, and noted author and collector.
Cootner conducted a much in demand tour of notable works at the show, and visiting our booth spoke insightfully of contemporary textile art, referencing another contemporary textile pioneer, Leonore Tawney (1907-2007) a close friend and colleague of Haag.
Daniel Shaffer, London based Executive Editor at Hali, the flagship of fine textile media and scholarship, and of Cover, the sister publication devoted to contemporary textiles.
Shaffer spoke of the invigorating effect the best of contemporary textiles can have on the international tribal market. We were delighted to finally meet Shaffer.
Michael Aulisio, blogger and dealer (Tribalmania)
Aulisio has conducted illuminating interviews with some of the most influential persons in the tribal art field. Aulisio focused his attention particularly on our booth's stone pieces.
Notable collectors of Oceanic Art Sam and Sharon Singer (not pictured)
Sam Singer gave a terrific presentation at a well attended panel discussion at Fort Mason's Firehouse, Sunday. We were delighted to have the Singers' visit.