June was a visionary artist and activist and a friend. Wonderful times spent together are memorialized in our video series Conversations with Artists: Chicago and Conversations with Artists: Waterworks.

June's many friends around the world will miss her very much. We extend our heartfelt condolences to her family, and staff. Here are a couple of articles about the great June Wayne:

LA Times
NY Times




Conversations with Artists: June Wayne's Narrative Tapestries: Tidal Waves, DNA, and the Cosmos at
The Art Institute of Chicago

MB Abram Galleries is pleased to continue our focus on the work of celebrated artist, June Wayne.

In November, we spent time with Wayne at the opening of her landmark solo tapestry show at the Art Institute of Chicago. Wayne's tapestries, woven in France in the 1970's under her careful supervision from her original cartoons, give an entirely new take on the art of tapestry, their themes and style firmly in the realm of contemporary art. That Wayne managed to master this medium, even as she was already known as the great pioneer of American lithography is truly amazing.

Wayne will celebrate her 93rd birthday in March. We invite you to view this most recent video, and see why we believe her to be one of the truly original minds and great personalities of our time.